welcome to knowing holistic ways of wellness.
Wellness is a process which is conscious, self-directed and evolving which helps in achieving full potential.
Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment.
Wellness is positive and affirming.
about Neerja
Born in a Hindu [Brahmin] family with a Father who is strong believer in Astrology and Quite an Intuitive & superstitious person himself & a Maternal Uncle who studied Numerology & Astrology, guess my inclination towards these things seems quite natural. But like it is said, 'when the time is right, things shall be revealed to you.', so it did take me some time to realise, accept, understand and finally make it publically known.
As for my Degrees & professional qualifications, I am an Architect & Interior Designer. I worked succesfully for 8+ years in the professional field and then one day I quit my thriving job. Frankly not knowing what to do next but I was sure of the fact that there was some calling.. something more.. something beyond what I did daily.. something what could finally give me the 'Aha' satisfaction.
Step by Step, day by day I grew, I evolved, I learnt, I understood and all that effort & hardwork gets me to this day where I am able to present myself to you. I have accepted myself as a Channel of the Grace, the Divine, the Creator in order to help all genuine seekers in whatever manner the Divine deems fit. I have been guided and at times pushed by these Divine Energies to learn tools/ techniques that shall facilitate the channeling process.
So now I say, I am an Architect & Interior Designer by profession and by passion & potential an Intuitive Channel & Counsellor with being proficient at it. I stay in Mumbai and you may check the 'Get In Touch' tab to connect with me.
It is said, 'When the student is ready, the Master appears.' We can also put this as, if you are genuinely seeking, you will surely get some way or some solution that will help you and thus change your life!
Browse and read through this website, I would be glad & in gratitude to be a Channel for you!
Love & Angel hugs,
Neerja Prabhu [aka Nee]
Reiki master-teacher, Tarot & Angel Card Master, Fariyologist, Numerologist, Violet Flame Master, MTHS Facilitator, Akashic Master Teacher,
Intuitive Healer : Crystals, Dowsing, Energy scan & Rectification
Healing Channel : Violet Flame, Reiki & Chakra Healing, Redikall Healing