these beautiful souls share the experiences they had through various services

The 444 Meditation
Omg.I was speechless about this experience which happened after doing 444 meditation process received by grand master-Neeraja. I started meditating at 4 am and my feet started hurting badly.So I called upon Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Michael to assist and protect me during this meditation process.The next thing that happened,I can't even describe how grateful I felt.I sensed a touch of hands on my feet and a cooling healing energy started rising from my toes and my legs.It took away my pain completely but till the end,I could feel the effect of that energy thoroughly.Guess my legs needed some love to lift them off the pain.Thank you to the archangels for their support.Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to you and for your support 💜
- A student, Mumbai
April 2020

The Voilet Flame Workshop
I got in touch with Neeraja to learn the Violet flame healing. She was extremely polite and very helpful to me from the first phone call we had. She gave me an idea about Reiki as well as Violet flame. Meeting her and learning from her was a very personal experience I will cherish forever. Her journey and her soul is one that makes you believe in the power of the universe. You will always be my teacher, Neeraja. Keep spreading love like you do 💜
- A Student, Mumbai
March 2020

The Reiki Workshops
Years ago, when i first heard about Reiki, i had no idea what it was all about. A couple of months ago, when I was free of my job, I decided to take it up.
After several searches's , I learnt about Neerja's holistic and wellness center. My Level I was a face to face session. I was well taught, well explained & very very satisfied with the session, especially Neerja, my instructor, who being very calm, composed and patient settled all my queries and made the session very interactive and interesting. Since then she has been continuously in touch guiding, explaining and clarifying all my queries.
Level 2 was a Video session but she made me feel like we were in a face to face session itself. Reiki became a very interesting project for me mainly cause of Neerja. The smooth and composed sessions held by Neerja made reiki soothing and healing for me.
- A Student, Mumbai
March & May 2020

A Healing session
I have been to Neerja a couple of times for different issues and she has more than met my expectations.Patient,attentive and and pleasant would best describe her. I was put to ease by her as soon as I met her. Thank you and continue the good work.
- A Client, Mumbai
January 2020

The 9 day Divine Feminine journey [Meditation]
i have done 3 levels of Usui Reiki with Neerja.. Recently had this incredible experience..
We were at a short break with a group of 20+ people one of the locations we visited was Dubare Elephant Camp.. and had to walk thru the slippery stones of the Kaveri river bed.. many slipped.. almost slipped etc.. but was nothing major.. except for one person.. who slipped so badly.. he hit his jaw on a huge rock.. in no time.. it was all reddish blue.. we were staying in a resort outside the city.. so medical facilities were an issue. When initial ice pack etc didn't help.. the group decided to take him to a doctor. Unfortunately... they came back after almost 2 hours.. visited 3 doctors who said that they think the jaw has been dislocated or there is a hairline fracture.. but they didn't have an X-ray machine to confirm... and they wont be able to treat unless the same as been established. The entire group was sad.. cause here was a family on a supposed vacation and now were considering going back halfway with a swollen jaw. The person was in immense pain and could not speak or eat.
Since nothing else would be done.. my husband spoke to him and told him that I can do reiki for him. He agreed as there was nothing much anyone else could do.
I gave him reiki and prayed to dear Angels for help. For the first time he was calm and slept. He asked me if I could do repeat sessions.. and said he felt confident to continue the tour. He changed his mind of going for an X-ray etc.
I continued giving him reiki fr 3 nights.. and he told me that pain was gone.. he could speak and eat.. as if he never fell!
He and his family were so happy!
Thank you Neerja for enabling me as a reiki Channel. This is the first time I could see a miracle unfolding.. I am grateful to Reiki masters.. Angels and guides for this experience. 🙏🏻❤🤗🤗
- A Student cum Client, Mumbai
May 2019

The Tarot Journey Workshop
Studied my tarot card reading lessons from Neerja Prabhu and it has undoubtedly been one of my most unforgettable journey. With great explanation skills, such a soothing and calm voice, she has been one of my favorite guru, and will be for life :) Thank you again for the wonderful experience.
- A Student, Mumbai
January 2019

Healing session (for child conception)
I know it may sound a bit unbelievable but trust me it is true .. every word!
The power and healing effects of alternate healing techniques and modalities is still unknown or not as widely accepted by the masses.
My husband and me weren't able to conceive a child for many years and I was going through a lot of medications for the same. I even had thyroid and it made the situation a bit more worse!
Having known that Neerja (my friend since ages) does alternate / holistic healing, I approached her. The only thing I remember her telling me was 'You have nothing to loose by trying these techniques!' which was completely making sense.
She scanned my Chakras and healed issues which showed up. I couldn't believe myself when she asked me issues which had happened when I was a kid (10, 18 .. years old). Inner children she called them. I was also given affirmations to say daily.
Technically I may not know what happened.. but one thing is for sure after the two sessions that she did with me, I could feel a shift inside of me! The shift made me feel happy, light and excited!
I had opted for the chakra scan (redikall) instead of a medical procedure suggested by my doctor...!
When I posted this testimony last time, approximately 2 months from the second session and i was 10 weeks+ into my pregnancy!
Today I am taking this opportunity to repost it as I have now become the proud parent of a Baby Boy!
Holistic healing method (chakra healing + affirmations in my case) saved me from a medical procedure, my expenditure on it, my body having to have so many medicines and I am a very different person today! (My issues with many people around me have magically resolved)
Affirmations & healing techniques may sound so not powerful and time consuming methods... But with my experience I can assure you if you allow it to work for you it can work Miracles in moments!
- A Client, India
April, 2017

meditation session
When I got separated from my husband, I always asked myself- I have so much love to give & why is he not accepting it. What is taking him away from it & I finally got my answer yesterday.
All in DIVINE TIMING as they say.
I was the last one to enter but on time for my answers.
Neerja was giving guidance to each one present there. When my turn came, she said - Garima you are an earth angel, channel of love. You are meant to spread love, share with people who need it.
For me that was the moment when the same question flashed back & this time I had a smile on my face & no tears for the first time.
I understood that the love I have was not meant for an individual but a gift to be shared with all.
I am Sai Baba's favourite child. Neeraja had met the first time yesterday & as I was late we had no formal introduction nor any chat.
She mentioned HIS strong presence twice, which also re affirms me HIS love & blessing on me & am happy that HE, also Showered his blessings on all present there.
Neerja a big thank you & hug for the gift in the guidance.
Baba bless us all always🙏
- Garima Agrawal, Nashik, India

Redikall crystalline mind workshop
An experience by a participant
Redikall Crystalline Mind Workshop
Neerja, I am so so happy that I attended this course. I came with no expectations I came just because I had the calling to do so.
I loved every minute of it. From the moment I entered your place, loved the positive uplifiting energy of the place, loved how it smelled, loved the yummy meals, Loved the way you explained everything. Loved the demonstrations.
I surely changed something very vital yesterday, can't yet put a finger on it yet but I know a part of me got healed. I am so glad i came.
Thank you so much for this amazing experience. Looking forward to learning more from you.
- Disha, Andheri, India
March 2018

The Tarot Journey, (tarot basic workshop)
It was a joy to do Basic Tarot with Neerja. I loved the logical flow of her class, making it seem simple & easy & at the same time making us aware that it is going to require quite a bit of effort on our part to be able to use this beautiful Divination tool. The approach is methodical, gentle & full of love & compassion. Best of all was the way the Minor Arcana were taught. Initially the 78 cards can look over -whelming but by the end of 2 days one leaves with the feeling.."Yes! I have understood the basics...If I keep at it...make friendship with each of the cards, I would be able to derive guidance, joy & satisfaction from this awesome tool in helping myself & others too. Thanks a ton for being you & making learning easy, joy & fun. God bless you.🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘
- A Client, India
April 2018

Healing Session
I had an Amazing Experience with our Neerja.
Who is so very Intuitive .
I got good Guidance from her Card Reading sessions. Her Readings were quite Apt & Appropriate for me & helped me take Decisions which made a Shift in my life & i have really started taking a stand in various life situations.
I am really impressed by her voice modulation also (or the way she communicates )
Her Affirmations are also helping me & Now i can Assert whenever needed & am in Acceptance mode & More Forgiving.🙏😘
- A Client, Surat, India
May 2018

Little did I know that visiting a friend’s place would be a life changing experience for me !
Few months ago I visited my daughter’s friends place. During casual conversation with her mother, I mentioned about my chronic problem of Migraine, Acidity and Thyroid. She suggested that I meet a “Holistic Healer” who can cure me of this pain. I had never heard of any such thing and did not consider to what she said at that time. After few weeks again when I had severe migraine, as if through some divine intervention, I suddenly remembered about the “Holistic Healer” which my friend had suggested. I had a very strong urge to meet this healer, so I called my friend and took her number. I came to know that day that her name was Neerja Prabhu. I called Neerja and explained my problem in brief and just prayed from my heart that she calls me for a healing session. As I was destined to meet her, I got an appointment on the same day, I was very obliged.
Neerja called me at her residence which was quite close to my residence. The moment I stepped in her house, I was surprised to see her, I had expected an old matured lady but in front of me was a young, pretty, elegant lady waiting for me. I immediately sensed positivity the moment I met her and I got a strong feeling that I have come to the right place and now my problem is going to be taken care of. She made me feel very comfortable and asked me about my problem. I was having migraine since my childhood and had suffered a lot due to my constant headaches. She used Redikall Healing method along with affirmations which helped me come out with my fears and insecurities which worked wonders for me. With just two sittings, my headache had gone along with all my fears. She had healed me physically and emotionally.
After my Migraine problem, I approached Neerja with my chronic acidity problem. This time she gave me Touch Healing and asked me to say affirmations which also helped me a lot for subsiding my acidity.
I wish I had met Neerja much earlier in my life. She is an excellent Holistic Healer, teacher and a role model whom I would highly recommend to anyone. The positive impact she has had on my emotional, spiritual and physical health has been life changing in the best way.
I have also participated in Reiki class and Chakra healing program conducted by Neerja which have been very enlightening and enjoyable. Neerja is an enthusiastic, giving and compassionate teacher.
- A Client, Mumbai
July 2017

Meditation Session
The first time experience I had with Neeraja was a card reading along with a meditation session. Her way of guiding me (along with a few others)into d whole process of meditating n helping us feel a plethora of experiences was incredibly soothing n I really wished for d session to continue for a longer time.
Her daily guidance n reading have always resonated with all of us who diligently follow them.
- A Client, Teacher, Mumbai
January 2016

Calming, reassuring and effective
"Ninja", as I like to call her has always been a good listener. Coupled with all the new tools she has acquired, her powers of reassuring and counseling have increased manifold. Nee's distance healing powers helped a Kolkata based family member of mine to overcome the emotional turmoil of losing a parent. My relative had tied herself up so much in the loss that even ten years after the tragedy, she couldn't move ahead in her life. After following Nee's affirmation and prayers, she drastically improved in her attitude. This will come as a surprise to even Nee, as I haven't told her yet, but that lady gave birth to a healthy baby boy about a year after neeraja's consultation! That too after more then 10 years of marriage.
Thanks ninja!
-Ruhi Gautam, Architect, Mumbai
July 2016

I would like to share two of my very first experiences with Nee..
Few months ago, I was in that phase of my life where most of the thing’s went against me or my will… many things turned up against my expectation. During this phase, Nee suggested me with meditation… I had never really given it a whole hearted try. Hence i was at the beginner level. But since she was confident that this would work, I decided to give it a try anyway. Slowly I started it and I noticed unbelievable results… After giving it a try, i can confidently say that Meditation can give you the Peace of mind and Calm state of mind we all seek.
Secondly, she had given me few Affirmations for daily practice. This was when i had already seen results with meditations and hence i began saying those Affirmations on a daily basis and within few days, I realised something! I realsied I had some control over the results of my activity. Now All is well and happening in Divine Order .
I have to mention this one. The #DailyGuidance cards are gem of all… These cards give validation for all the daily activities I plan to do. They boost the confidence in me and ignite in me the power of positivity.
I not only follow but wait for the Daily guidance thus I can begin my day on a positive note while getting validations for my thoughts. -Vishal Aher, Entreprenuer, Mumbai.
August 2015

Life Purpose Card Reading
I have been interacting with Nee and have been amazed with the accuracy of her guidance. I always had a desire to write a book. It was only when one of her readings gave a very strong validation for me to go ahead and pen it down. I would like to share this here as she had asked me to follow this guidance and go with the flow and 9 months down the line my book was not just completed but has been published in the self -published [entrepreneurship] category and has been very well received by the readers. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01BM8UM3I/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1467999712&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=dhara+purohit]
This is my encounter with mystical whispers and Nee and one of the physical manifestations that has happened for me on following the guidance.
Thank you so much Nee and mystical whispers for being a wonderful channel of guidance.
- Dhara Purohit, Entreprenuer & Author, Mumbai
January 2016
Card Reading
I have always been very instinctive about my career decisions. So, while I started my career in computer science and then moved to being an environmental Architect and then to being an e-entrepreneur into the networking industry, I was intrigued about my purpose and the channel of service after exploring these various avenues. While I did see success in all of these fields but there was something that I always felt I can do more and contribute more.
Along my journey through various field I always had an inclination to writing but never took it seriously enough.
This is when I approached Nee whom I have known for almost a decade now and asked about my channel of service in this world. She took me through card reading and the results were absolutely astonishing. It was a clear and stern answer that mentioned writing , being an author in every possible way.
So here I am, today in less than a year's time, following the signs and passion for writing (which I thought I would take up after I retire). I guess I didn't have to wait until then, and I already have an amazon best - seller in children's book. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01HQ9CIA2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1467999480&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=dhara+purohit]
It has always been a great pleasure knowing Nee and while I am not surprised by her abilities to guide, I am always in awe with her accuracy to guide. She is fantabulous!
Thank you Nee for your guidance and taking this path to help many shine with their own Light!!!
- Dhara Purohit, Entreprenuer & Author, Mumbai
June 2016

Tarot Card Reading
I wanted to know if I am on the right path and if my actions are in sync with the Masterplan. Through the tarot reading I got to know that I am indeed on the right path but I could be more efficient and holistic by keeping a few things in mind. Spending time with nature was one of them. Knowing that finances are taken care off was a huge relief as well. A lot of things that I was gravitating toward were validated. It meant that the voice from within is getting clearer. All that I need to ensure is the chattering of the mind does not drown out the voice from within. If and when I begin to do that consistently I will be living the Masterplan.
-A Client, Mumbai
October 2015

Chakra healing
I have always been blessed with all the resources that show up in my life whenever I need them. But there is always one thing that never seems to come easy to me and that is MONEY. it is only through enough struggle that it shows up.
I approached Nee for a chakra scan to understands this pattern, 'is there anything I can do to heal myself when it comes to money.' Approaching Nee was natural to me as I have been reading about esoteric sciences and metaphysics from more than a year.
And she has been amazing with her scan, helping me not only understand the cause but also the results have been almost instantaneous with a windfall of a significant sum of money in less than a week. And all that was stuck in terms of finances just cleared up.
Thank you Nee for helping many like me, to live more fully and joyfully in this world.
-A Client, Mumbai
April 2016

I do follow and look forward to the daily guidance. Sometimes, it just happens to prepare me for something that I am unaware of. Therefore, ensuring that at a conscious level I am more prepared and following the natural flow of the energy for the day. This has made me calmer, less anxious and also more focused with my work and goals. -A Client, Mumbai

Tarot Card Reading
I was a bit anxious about my progress in my current venture as there were unexpected ups and downs. The solution was offered to me was through Tarot cards. It was required for me to practise forgiveness especially for myself for past issues. I have been doing it and it has not only given me inner peace but also at the same time made me more intuitive to follow nature’s signs. Also, I would like to add that pursuing writing as an author has been one of my dreams; however through angel guidance it has just given me great assurance and validation that I must pursue it. I have been following it and it has resulted in me authoring and self- publishing my first book. -A Client, Mumbai
September 2015

I have always been fascinated with healing modalities and Reiki being one of them that I have heard often about. It was sometime during 2015 that for no apparent reason my health was getting affected. No matter what I did, and how much care I took.
This is when Nee offered to help me heal through Reiki and I must say it has been extremely effective and I have witnessed the results almost instantaneously.
She is an amazing healer and someone whose aura makes you feel safe, comfortable and more joyful. Thank you Nee and keep reaching out to many as a channel for healing as the planet needs more healers now than any other time.
-A Client, Mumbai
November 2015