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Reiki Energy Healing

It means Universal Life Force Energy, that vital force which is termed as ‘Prana’ in Sanskrit, ‘Chi’ in Chinese and many also know it as ‘Cosmic Energy’. Reiki involves the transfer of energy from the Reiki Channel [person giving reiki] to the receiver. It is a form of Holistic healing.


Anyone who gets the full Reiki initiations or attunements can use the reiki energy for healing themselves or others.


On hearing the word ‘Reiki’ for the first time, most would like to know what it is and what it does? Simply put, reiki is ‘A Healing Energy’ and to understand it the best way is to experience it.


Salient Features of Reiki

  • Simple to practice – just placing of hands on the body is sufficient

  • Essentially a relaxation tool and benefits are derived out of that condition

  • Works for some people most of the times, most people some times

  • Reiki is a holistic therapy that addresses the body, mind and spirit and going beyond symptoms to treat the root cause of the disease.

  • Reiki can and does apply to other healing methods that are widely used now-a-days. You can quite safely mix reiki with other alternatice and even conventional healing.

  • It helps us to maintain balances in our own health and that of others.

  • Reiki cannot harm anyone as it adjusts naturally to the individual's needs.

  • It is safe to be given to infants, pregnant woman, elderly people, animals and even plants.

  • Reiki is taken by the patient (including self) – to the extent he/she is willing to take, consciously or subconsciously - and cannot be given.

  • It can be used any time, any place, and in any posture.

  • Reiki is safe, simple, and non-intrusive as no aids, diagnosis or medicines are required. Therefore anyone can learn Reiki.

  • Reiki is for those people who wish to take more responsibility for their lives and who wish to live more lovingly, joyfully and fully.

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