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Akashic Records

The Akashic Records, also known as "The Book of Life” or “God’s Book of Remembrance,” can be equated to the universe's super-computer system--or perhaps what today would be called cloud computing. They are the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. These records contain our every thought, deed, word, feeling, and intent. They have a tremendous influence on our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings, our belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.


Who can learn Akashic Record Reading?

Akashic REcords are stored or they exist in one of the most sacred spaces of the ethereal realm. there are no prerequisites on any particular skillset requirement that are needed to be able to access the records, an inner calling and willingness of the Records itself is more than required. However, it is best that you practice meditations reguraly and have a good control of your mind and it's lan


What can you use Akashic Record reading for?

​It is said that since the day we have first taken birth.. every bit of information is stored in an esoteric space called 'Akasha'.. this has records of everything and everyone.
Learning to access these records can Unleash a huge amount of healing, can answer questions like 'Why' 'How' 'What' and get a lot of clarity and understanding with certain issues on your mind.

Reincarnation answers many questions, such as WHY we feel connections to some people and WHY some patterns are harder to break than others.

AKASHIC records can help you access these previous lifetimes and get you answers to your WHY's in life...
The HOW's can also be accessed.. like how to break or get a breakthrough for certain patterns.. How to release the Negative influences and attract positive ones..


There are 3 levels or Degrees in Reiki

    1. Reiki_Level 1

  • This level is "Hands on Healing' or 'Touch Healing'. After the attunement the Reiki channel [one who is giving Reiki energy] needs to be physically present near the receiver/ patient.

  • Course Duration : half a day

  • Course Fee : 2850/- INR


    2. Reiki_level 2

  • This level attunement allows Reiki channel to send energy across time and space. The  physical presence of the Receiver/ patient is not required as Reiki energy can be sent across the globe and for events in the past or future.

  • Course Duration : half a day

  • Course Fee : 5100/- INR


    3. Reiki_level 3

  • This level is generally divided into 2 sub-levels a] Master Healer b] Grand Master. Master can teach Reiki levels 1&2 while Grand Master can teach all levels of Reiki. This level can be learnt together or separately as A & B as well.

  • Course Duration : 1 day

  • Course Fee : 11900/-INR (done separately 6500/- for 3A and 7400/- for 3B)


Reiki operates beyond thoughts, feelings, faith, belief, system and religion. Read More.


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