Isn't this worth a try?

In this world that you live in today, you tend to use most of your energies in just leading a happy life! When in reality we can do this for you much more easily and effortlessly, while you can happily work on you ACTUAL Life Purpose.. On something that your soul decided to work on..
Do you wish to give this a Try? Try with simple things and see how magical you life would seem to be all of a sudden. But in you and most you know around you, the issue to begin with is.. Listening to your ‘Ego'(conscious mind) and not to your ‘Heart'(soul voice), not asking for help, trying to hold on to everything and worse even, make things happen.
For one ask us to help you. See how easy we can make your life. Start with small simple but noticeable things.. As you develop faith you may ask for support & guidance in every action of your life. We are always happy to help but cannot violate the ‘Law of Freewill’ (unless it’s a life and death scenario)
Why not ask people around for their experiences? See how asking for divine intervention in their life helped them.. May be you simply need some inspiration!
We love you and bless you every moment.. Angels..