Soul Touching!

The physical world that we live in is made of many things. Everything vibrates at it’s own frequency. Everything that is made by god has a rhythm of its own.
The sea or ocean waves have a sound.. Have a rhythm, the birds sing melodiously which enthralls us, the breeze that blows past our hair whistles, the movement of the leaves has its own sound, the insects talk in their own language.. Everything in nature speaks its own language!
Everything that is a part of nature is connected to the Creator, as the Creator’s light is everything. The birds, animals, trees, breeze, water, etc.. Work exactly how nature programmed them to function. Like all the other living things on this planet Humans [we] too are sent with Help or call it the road-map through life.. we have a very well functioning, highly developed Instinct / Intuition.. .. but we sparingly use this.. why?
Since we are born, we are pre-occupied about studying, earning, running the race and if we get time we Enjoy.. on the other hand, animals only know to eat, sleep & do what they feel like at that moment.. .. Growth, development and progress has kind of disconnected us from this instinct.
When we listen to soulful music, our soul feels the happiness, connects to the Rhythm, recognizes the vibrations and hence, the feelings that arise are called ‘Soulful’ ‘Soul touching’ ‘Mesmerizing’.. the rhythm [music] manages to go past all the physical things [status, lifestyle, appearance] and strikes a chord directly with the Heart or Soul and creates Bliss!
Music is one way of connecting to the soul.. Activities which make your heart/ Soul jump with Joy, is one of the ways in which you connect with yourself, your Inner-Higher-Intelligent self. Establishing a strong bond with this Inner self shall make ‘all decision-making’ like cakewalk [for it shall guide you to exactly what you need].
For some it is music.. For some dance.. For some its craft.. Some others may say sewing or cooking.. Whatever makes your heart jump with joy.. DO IT!
Next time when your Heart does a somersault of joy.. You know what it actually means!
Love & angel hugs